Monday, February 11, 2008

Late Night Animatin'.... it's like, what, 1 A.M.? I've been doin' this stuff all day since 2 in the afternoon. It's about -89 degrees outside, and I think it's still snowing because that's Edinboro, but I'm about to embark that journey over to the studio to put in a couple more hours...

...I wonder if it's like this in the industry, ya know? Of course they don't have other classes to worry about, but they do have families and what not so I suppose it evens out. But this is intense. Senior year is definitely no joke. Oh, and can I just mention how much I hate traditional? Give me CG any day. I'm not the best of the best when it comes to animating, but I can still do it. Give me something to model any day compared to this 480 something frame Voice Sync test I have to have completed by Tuesday and I've been started that jawn since the middle of last week.

It's like I try to keep ahead of the game but somehow get stuck like the rest of my colleagues. Puttin' in these outrageous hours like we're gettin' paid. But aite! I'ma go cause I'll sit here and ramble until at least 3 and then not get nothin' done. Peace...

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